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论文题目: Detection of glycan-binding proteins using glycan-functionalized quantum dots and gold nanoparticles
作者: Zhang Zhenxing , Qi Xiaoxiao , Chai Jinfeng , Wu Peixing , Lv Xun*, Cheng Shuihong*, and Li Xuebing*
刊物名称: Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry
期: 37
卷: 4
页: 199-209
年份: 2018
影响因子: 0.983
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摘要: Many pathogens can use their glycan-binding proteins (GBPs) to interact with glycan receptors on host cell surface. Here, a novel strategy is presented for the detection of GBPs based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). Using mannosefunctionalized quantum dots and mannose-functionalized gold nanoparticles, a FRET assay system was developed and a mannose-specific GBP concanavalin A could be detected in 5 min with a detection limit of 3 nM. This result indicated the potential for rapid and sensitive biosensing of various kinds of GBPs and pathogens by changing the glycan structure on the surface of QDs and AuNPs. [GRAPHICS] .