朱泰承 博士 副研究员 |
研究方向 合成生物学与酵母细胞工厂
导师姓名:朱泰承 电话:010-64807351 电子邮件:zhutc#im.ac.cn(请将#换为@) 通讯地址:北京市朝阳区北辰西路1号院3号 邮政编码:100101
工作经历 2013-8至今, 中国科学院微生物研究所, 微生物生理与代谢工程实验室, 副研究员 2011-8至2013-7, 中国科学院微生物研究所, 工业室, 助理研究员 2009-4至2011-7, 中国科学院微生物研究所, 博士后
学习经历 (1) 2003-9至2009-4, 华东理工大学, 生物化工, 博士学位 (2) 1999-9至2003-7, 华东理工大学, 生物工程, 学士学位
Miao, L., Li, Y.*, andZhu, T*. (2021). Metabolic engineering of methylotrophic Pichia pastoris for the production of β-alanine. Bioresour. Bioprocess. 8, 89. Yu, S., Miao, L., Huang, H.*, Li, Y., andZhu, T.* (2020). High-level production of glucose oxidase in Pichia pastoris: Effects of Hac1p overexpression on cell physiology and enzyme expression. Enzyme Microb. Technol. 141, 109671. Zhu, T., Zhao, T., Bankefa, O. E., and Li, Y.* (2020). Engineering unnatural methylotrophic cell factories for methanol-based biomanufacturing: Challenges and opportunities. Biotechnol. Adv. 39, 107467. Zhu, T., Sun, H., Wang, M., and Li, Y.* (2019). Pichia pastoris as a Versatile Cell Factory for the Production of Industrial Enzymes and Chemicals: Current Status and Future Perspectives. Biotechnol. J. 14, e1800694. Bankefa, O. E., Wang, M.,Zhu, T.*, and Li, Y.* (2018). Enhancing the secretion pathway maximizes the effects of mixed feeding strategy for glucose oxidase production in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris. Bioresour. Bioprocess. 5, 25. Bankefa, O. E., Wang, M.,Zhu, T.*, and Li, Y.* (2018). Hac1p homologues from higher eukaryotes can improve the secretion of heterologous proteins in the yeast Pichia pastoris. Biotechnol. Lett. 40, 1149-1156. Sun, H., Bankefa, O. E., Ijeoma, I. O., Miao, L.,Zhu, T.*, and Li, Y.* (2017). Systematic assessment of Pichia pastoris system for optimized β -galactosidase production. Syn. Syst. Biotechnol. 2, 113-120. |